It was made at the last minute, very late at night, an early Valentine morning.
It's still far from perfect, several songs are still not beat matching perfectly.
I got this idea when listening one of my mixtape collection. Why not to try it, but this time by putting all slow songs with Valentine theme.
Last, I hope it would cheer up your Valentine day, listen and share it with the one you love so much.
Happy Valentine guys !!!
aRPie - From Classic beaT With Love
mixed by aRPie
Tempo: 90 - 100 BPM
Playing length: 52:22
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 192 kbps
File link: aRPie - From Classic beaT With Love
For streaming,
P+C Feb 14th, 2011 - Classic beaT,
Note: not for sale or commercial purpose, promotional only.
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